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Interview of Catherine Finger

Thank you for being willing to be interviewed on my blog!

Thank YOU! I love being a part of the reading and writing world and I so appreciate opportunities to meet new friends.

1. What made you first interested in writing a book?

I’ve always wanted to, and known I would eventually, write books-fiction and nonfiction. It’s kind of funny, but from my earliest days, I thought of myself as a writer. My writing path didn’t materialize until I went through a difficult personal loss, and found myself wandering through the grieving process. I discovered that there is a lot of real estate between 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., and I filled my sleepless nights with short stories. As so often happens, my short stories took on a life of their own and surprised me by growing in a series of thriller novels!

2. Why mystery/suspense?

Simply put: I LOVE SUSPENSE! And I find myself writing the kind of book I’d love to read.

3. Which authors would you say have influenced your writing the most?

Gosh, there are so many! I love, love, LOVE C.S. Lewis, and hope to add a sliver of spiritual insight into my adventures in a way he’d appreciate. I am in love with the ‘classics’ of my genre, including (but certainly not limited to!) Agatha Christie tops my list, and I would have to say my life has not been the same since reading Chandler’s The Long Goodbye. John Macdonald’s books delight and influence me, as do the three contemporary grande dames of my genre: J.D. Robb; Sara Peretsky; and Janet Ivanovich. I preorder, and read everything by Steven James; and the same is true with most of the Kay Scarpetta series. I loved Charlaine Harris’ Sookie Stackhouse series and am already hooked on her new Midnight series.

Oh dear, now I’m cranked up! This list is incomplete without Stephen King—even though he scares me I LOVE his work—and I have to add that in addition to C.S. Lewis, Watchman Nee is one of my favorite theologians. I reread Anne Lamott’s “Bird by Bird” annually, and I just finished “A Man Called Ove” by Fredick Backman—not at all my genre—yet I find myself missing his beautiful prose. And if we’re being honest, I might have a relationship book or two on my shelf…Oh, and did I mention I have a slight addiction to ZOMBIE lit?

4. On my blog, I focus a lot on romance. So, fun question: of all the books you have read, which book had the best kiss/most romantic moment? Wow—great question! One of my all time favorites immediately came to mind: A Severe Mercy, by Sheldon Vanauken. He describes a ‘Shining Barrier’ that he and his wife constructed around themselves that allowed them to lavish love and attention upon each other—keeping the world and it’s distractions at bay. He has some beautiful, passionate descriptions of their intimacies, starting from the heart and extending out to the physical. Love that stuff!

5. What are you working on now?

I’m happy to say that I’m editing the third book in my Jo Oliver Thriller series. I have another book in the works, and it might just be the beginning of a YA series… I am also very slowly working on a (non-fiction) leadership book.

Want to find out more about the lovely Catherine Finger? Go to:


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